Aaron Doucette - Intern

The Lord has blessed my wife Brooke, my kids Savannah, Nico, Selah & myself (Aaron) with the opportunity to dedicate our lives to Him in serving our neighbors, first locally then globally with the heart of seeking and saving the lost. Our hearts are always looking for the lost and how to reach them, in the same ways we were reached.

I knew since the day I gave my life to Christ that He would call me as a missionary and years later, with a dedicated night of praying and receiving a prophetic dream being downtown Halifax sharing the gospel with many others, my wife and I knew it was finally time.

The Lord has been faithful in raising me up as I pray about sharing the good news every day when I am out in the world and I’m very excited to see how far he is going to use this gift of evangelism that he has imparted to me as well as many other gifts.

I hope you would join in supporting myself but also my family, as we walk out this life in Christ Jesus.
