Ron Lagerquist

At 18 years old, God broke through my messed-up life and announced: “I want you to be My son.” The next day, all I cared about was preaching the gospel. But it didn’t take long before I became disillusioned with organized religion and decided to go it alone. After all, John the Baptist and Jesus didn’t have to “join” something right? For years I experienced a level of fruitfulness, but lack of accountability opened the door to pride, resulting in cycles of spiritual instability. Five years ago, in a dramatic season of discipline, I repented of pride and discovered a healthy community through Curtis and Sylvia Hartshorn’s home church. This resulted in accountability and submission to the other spiritual gifts, something missing my whole Christian life. After 4 years ministering with Curtis, he invited me to join E3.  Reluctantly I said yes simply out of respect for his leadership. But as I got introduced to people like Jeremy, Brody and Sean, to mention a few, I felt I had found a home. I discovered an amazing community of authentic people that had the same values and vision of what Biblical Church looked like.  It almost felt too good to be true, but the more I dug into E3, the more my inner sceptic has lowered his walls. E3 is the real deal!

Today I am pastoring a growing home church at I am also working with a team of amazing people under the leadership of Curtis, to form home church Hubs in Peterborough and Durham where people can meet and train I am also passionate about fasting as a vehicle for deeper intimacy with God. You can find loads of free fasting information here:

I am looking forward to learning all that E3 has to offer as I become more equipped to “go into all the world.” Due to a generous pension after retiring from 37 years at the Durham District School Board, I am fully self-supported. I would like to encourage you to donate directly to this incredible organization as we work toward church planting all over the world, especially into unreached people groups who have never heard the gospel. For more information, check our donation page here
