Making disciples in all nations.

Invest in a Specific Country or Cause
Support our efforts in a particular cause that is close to your heart. Your funds will go directly towards equipping believers, developing long-term partnerships and spreading the Gospel in that region. Select a country, region or cause from the list below to get started.
Atlantic Regional Fund
e3 Ministry Canada is blessed to have a phenomenal team of staff & volunteers serving across our country. Every single day we have individuals & teams fanning out across Canadian cities to share the Good News of Jesus Christ who then disciple those who respond. We have a vision to see No Place Left where the gospel hasn't been preached in Canada. We are delighted to serve the connections God is bringing us in the Atlantic provinces. This region is precious and has many historical churches that sit empty or are facing decline. It is our great joy to labour alongside faithful men & women in the East Coast to see a move of God again in this region! Thank you for supporting the work of church planting in Eastern Canada.
Canada Strategy Fund
e3 Ministry Canada is blessed to have a phenomenal team of staff & volunteers serving across Canada. Every single day we have individuals & teams fanning out across Canadian cities to share the Good News of Jesus Christ who then disciple those who respond. We have a vision to see No Place Left where the gospel hasn't been preached in Canada. We are delighted to serve our First Nations brothers and sisters, French Canadians and the millions of new Canadians flooding urban centres. God is on the move in Canada and your support will greatly help us expand into new regions.
Central Ontario Regional Fund
e3 Ministry Canada is blessed to have a phenomenal team of staff & volunteers serving in Central Ontario. We are fanning out across this region to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and then disciple those who respond. We are delighted to announce that our US Partner has allocated the Canadian equivalency of $10,000 US in matching funds for the work across Canada! God is on the move in Central Ontario and your support will greatly help us expand into new areas.
I Am Second Strategy Fund
We tell stories through unscripted conversations, short films, and documentary features. Our stories provoke real world action through practical service projects, digital apps, and relationship-building communities both on and offline. We are committed to staying in the conversation and moving it toward greater inclusivity, vulnerability, connection and hope. We partner with athletes, entertainers, politicians and other public figures to tell their stories alongside our own.
Je Suis Deuxieme Strategy Fund
In a post-Christian society that is increasingly closed to institutionalized Christianity, our vision is to create a native movement in which French speaking Canadians will discover Jesus anew in a personal, authentic and powerful way. Je Suis Deuxième is a disciple-making movement (DMM) of obedient new believers that will grow exponentially as every new believer is trained with a DNA of reproduction. Through our training resources, tools and processes, our vision is to equip the whole Canadian body of Christ in reaching every single French speaking person by the end of our generation.
Kitchener-Waterloo Regional Fund
e3 Ministry Canada is blessed to have a phenomenal team of staff & volunteers serving in the KW area of Ontario. We are fanning out across this region and Ontario to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and then disciple those who respond. We are delighted to announce that our US Partner has allocated the Canadian equivalency of $10,000 US in matching funds for the work across Canada! God is on the move in Ontario and your support will greatly help us expand into new areas.
Northern Saskatchewan Regional Fund
e3 Ministry Canada is blessed to have a phenomenal team of staff & volunteers serving in Northern Saskatchewan. We are fanning out across Saskatchewan to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and then disciple those who respond. We are delighted to announce that our US Partners has allocated the Canadian equivalency of $10,000 US in matching funds, for the work across Canada! God is on the move in Saskatchewan and your support will greatly help us expand into new regions.
Philippines Strategy Fund
e3 Canada is seeking to establish a thriving local church in every village throughout the Philippines. Our long standing partnership has allowed us to see a church established in 50% of the target villages so far! We are equipping existing believers and partnering with local pastors to form coalitions who commit to work in unity and share the Gospel effectively through training simple gospel sharing tools. You can join us now by supporting the Kingdom work happening now throughout the Philippines as we strive to reach the remaining villages until there is No Place Left where the gospel has not been preached!
Voice In The Wilderness Fund
Missiologists tracking data on global Christian movements have come to the startling realization that the Great Commission, may very well be completed in our lifetime! As our team have been praying, sharing the gospel, and training believers to live on mission, God has invited us to take a serious step toward sending teams to the final unengaged people groups on earth. We feel led to establish a mission school called “Voice In The Wilderness”. The training schools will focus on equipping a network of local missions planting churches as well as raising up teams to send to the most unengaged places on earth.