Curtis and Sylvia Hartshorn
My wife Sylvia and I had a massive awakening in our faith when we were in Malawi in 2016. We saw how the Christians lived there and were challenged to get back to the simple Gospel. We felt convicted of how overcomplicating ministry had actually immobilized us. When we got home we happened to go through a Gospel conversation training and it put words to so much of what Jesus was already speaking to our hearts. We knew then that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives doing ministry as close to how Jesus did it as possible. We've found e3 Canada gets to the heart of the simple, yet powerful, Gospel and calls believers to make disciples that walk as Jesus did.
Married since July 2015, Sylvia and I have two children, Naomi and Gabriel. They are such a gift to us and we have loved becoming parents! I love skateboarding in my free time and Sylvia likes to rollerblade. We both love being outside, spending time with people and enjoying the hot weather!
Our family lives in Whitby, Ontario and we have a heart to see catalytic teams raised up in cities all across Canada to see our nation reached with the Gospel. In our home town, we spend our time on the streets sharing the Gospel, discipling new believers and gathering them into home churches, as well as pouring into the leaders who do the same. We also regularly train existing churches on how to share the Gospel and make disciples!