
Witnessing God’s love in action.


We’ve had the privilege of seeing God transform hearts and lives as our teams visit families and individuals around the world. We want to share some of their inspiring stories with you. 

Stories - Blog RSS Feed

2000+ Professions of Faith

A mission trip to Colombia led to thousands hearing the Gospel.

The po... Read more

300+ New Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

A mission trip to South Asia resulted in hundreds of Gospel shares, salvation... Read more

Dreams of Jesus Lead to Reality of Salvation

A Muslim woman in South Asia had dreams about a man in all white and came to ... Read more

When Knowing Christ > Making the Sale

A Colombian shopkeeper dropped to his knees and gave his life to the Lord in ... Read more



Many of our e3 leaders are invited to speak on podcasts frequently, and one has even started his own (On the Road). Listen to conversations about 4 Fields training, sharing the Gospel, multiplying disciples and churches, and completing the Great Commission.

Stories - Podcast RSS Feed

Discouraged or Disillusioned with Movement?

I shared the Gospel hundreds of times and didn't find a true person of peace.... Read more

A Conversation about Cabbages in the Desert

No, this isn’t a foray into my new gardening strategy. Check out this conve... Read more

April 9 Ramadan Prayer Prompts

Prayer prompts to pray for Muslims during Ramadan - April 9.

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April 8 Ramadan Prayer Prompts

Prayer prompts to pray for Muslims during Ramadan - April 8.

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