Staff Donation

Our team appreciates your prayers and support. 

Our Team 

Your contributions to e3 Canada staff directly support their efforts around the world, giving them access to critical resources and funds that strengthen our partnerships overseas. Below is a list of those who currently have a fundraising page for their support. Browse the listing to find the individual you wish to support.

Esosa Enabulele - Intern
For the last couple of years, my heart has been filled with a desire to draw believers into deeper intimacy with Jesus. I am constantly fascinated with how vast God is, and I just believe that the Lord is longing to meet his bride. God has been so good to me and has blessed me with the opportunity to serve with e3 as an intern, to help make disciples, plant churches, and rise up lovers of Jesus. My heart's mission is very simple to see God glorified!
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Cameron Asman

From a desire to learn how to better share the Gospel, I felt led to serve in my current role as community engagement pastor/church planter with Living Word Temple (a partner of e3 Canada).

My wife and I have been married for nearly 2 years and I look forward to many years ahead!

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Kyle & Kate Balkissoon
Jesus is worthy of all praise! We've found this treasure & long for every person we meet to find this treasure too. 

We originally met at a Gospel Conversations Training in 2016. This little training helped us to follow Jesus practically, challenging us to get uncomforable by sharing the Good News with neighbours & strangers. 

After serving with various missional organizations around the world over the last decade, we're overjoyed to find ourselves planted as a couple with the e3 Canada team. Now we get to serve missionally locally, while also serving overseas in Asia.

Your support helps us focus on the works of ministry we've been called to. Thank you!

"For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again." (2 Corinthians 5:14-15 NIV)
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Wayne Brodland

I feel called to helping people meet Jesus and take great joy in seeing God do amazing thngs in people's lives. I currently serve through coaching, curriculum development and teaching at home and abroad. I'm an avid paddleboarder. I'm married to my wife, Heather, and we have 2 adult boys and 1 grandchild. 

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Sean Cruickshank

I believe the Lord has called all who serve Him to be ambassadors for His Kingdom and for Jesus. I have found that e3 Canada, as an organization, equips followers of Jesus all over the world to evangelize the lost and establish churches. 

My wife (a Psychiatrist) and I have served in Canada, the Philippines and the Ukraine in my 2 years with e3 Canada. Together we have two wonderful children, aged 7 and 13. Both kids love being active and love music. We are originally from South Africa and immigrated to Canada 12 years ago. 

I believe we are at war, but our weapons are not of this world. 

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Jeremy and Kathryn Doorten

In 2010, I (Jeremy) had the opportunity to travel with e3 Partners to Rwanda, Africa. I had been leading teams from the local church for over 10 years, but when I saw what e3 was accomplishing through their short-term strategy, I was blown away! I came home and told my wife, "I would give my life to this strategy!" And that's exactly what we've chosen to do. 

I serve as the Executive Director, leading the Canadian team from coast to coast. In addition, I am the National Strategist for e3 Canada's work in the Philippines and serve on the I Am Second global team. We're always looking for new ways to bring the ministry and our powerful films to the world.

Kathryn also serves on our staff team as our Church Relations Coordinator. Kathryn is busy gathering information, forming relationships with church leaders and passing that information on to the rest of our staff and training team. Kathryn is gifted with people and loves the phone, so this is a great fit and is advancing the kingdom of God!

Thank you so much for investing in this incredible ministry!

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Aaron Doucette - Intern

The Lord has blessed my wife Brooke, my kids Savannah, Nico, Selah & myself (Aaron) with the opportunity to dedicate our lives to Him in serving our neighbors, first locally then globally with the heart of seeking and saving the lost. Our hearts are always looking for the lost and how to reach them, in the same ways we were reached.

I knew since the day I gave my life to Christ that He would call me as a missionary and years later, with a dedicated night of praying and receiving a prophetic dream being downtown Halifax sharing the gospel with many others, my wife and I knew it was finally time.

The Lord has been faithful in raising me up as I pray about sharing the good news every day when I am out in the world and I’m very excited to see how far he is going to use this gift of evangelism that he has imparted to me as well as many other gifts.

I hope you would join in supporting myself but also my family, as we walk out this life in Christ Jesus.

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Brody and Deidre Haight

The very simple principles Deidre and I live by are Love God and Love People. How this comes out in our daily lives is in being available for those God sends pray with them, speak life over them and help them grow strong in their relationship with God. Authenticity and Simplicity are essential to us. 

We have been through some very dark and traumatic times in life and have seen God's mighty power and experienced His deep love. Our hearts burn to share the realness of God's love and invite every person we encounter into a relationship with Him. We are people led by God's Spirit using whatever gifting and creativity he has given us to further His Kingdom here on earth. 

 Will you partner with us in this beautiful journey? 

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Curtis and Sylvia Hartshorn

My wife Sylvia and I had a massive awakening in our faith when we were in Malawi in 2016. We saw how the Christians lived there and were challenged to get back to the simple Gospel. We felt convicted of how overcomplicating ministry had actually immobilized us. When we got home we happened to go through a Gospel conversation training and it put words to so much of what Jesus was already speaking to our hearts. We knew then that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives doing ministry as close to how Jesus did it as possible. We've found e3 Canada gets to the heart of the simple, yet powerful, Gospel and calls believers to make disciples that walk as Jesus did. 

Married since July 2015, Sylvia and I have two children, Naomi and Gabriel. They are such a gift to us and we have loved becoming parents! I love skateboarding in my free time and Sylvia likes to rollerblade.  We both love being outside, spending time with people and enjoying the hot weather!

Our family lives in Whitby, Ontario and we have a heart to see catalytic teams raised up in cities all across Canada to see our nation reached with the Gospel. In our home town, we spend our time on the streets sharing the Gospel, discipling new believers and gathering them into home churches, as well as pouring into the leaders who do the same. We also regularly train existing churches on how to share the Gospel and make disciples!

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Shawn and Isabelle Jones

In 2012 while in South Africa we received a prophetic word (which was from the Lord) telling us that He was calling us to Canada to spread His Word to thousands & thousands of people. We would be planting churches and using testimonies to change the world! While at the time I thought this word was crazy, God started to show me just how Big and Amazing He truly was. Through a series of events, He started to open doors and draw me closer to His calling on my life.

Today, both my wife and I serve on the ‘I Am Second’ team through e3 Ministry Canada. Isabelle serves in the French division called Je suis deuxieme (, and I serve as an I Am Second Representative helping steer the vision and direction for the I Am Second assets here in the ‘Great White North’. We are implementing teams to multiply ‘Live Second Groups’ in online communities across Canada. We are also working towards launching the very first ‘IAS’ podcast which will offer longer format discussions around relevant stories that will inspire faith and hope for thousands of people around the world. In time, we plan on developing Canadian stories to be shared through what we call ‘White Chair Films’ which you can currently view without cost at

God has blown us away with all that He has already done. We are now gearing up as a Family on Mission and are diving in headlong to take on this mighty calling. We simply could not do any of this work without the incredible sacrifices made by so many families and friends. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for investing in this ministry!

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Amanda Jones
All glory be to God our Father! I became a Christian at 22, was baptized and set free. I felt like a brand new person. The old was gone, the new had come! I had amazing mentors through YWAM and went on mission trips right away to Thailand and India to evangelize, preach, worship, see the sick healed and delivered, share testimonies, and encourage the body of Christ. I knew that was only the beginning. I am so honored now to be a part of e3, this amazing organization, seeking to reach the nations and bring kingdom living wherever we go. There is no greater joy than being in relationship with Jesus and partnering with Him to see the lost come home and experience full identity, purpose, and freedom through Christ Jesus. 

I am honored to be serving with Voice in the Wilderness, a subsection of e3 and creating content for and with them, to help rally and encourage and invite others into reaching the lost and completing the great commission. 

Isaiah 40:3 “A voice cries, ‘In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord’”
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Marcel Knot

I'm blessed to be part of e3 Ministry Canada! I am serving as part of the Field Ministry staff team. 

I've been married to my wife, Andrea, for 27 years and together we have 2 boys - Joshua is 21 years old and Reuben is 19 years old. 

I love Jesus, my family and my community. I'm here to serve, train and equip believers to evangelize their community and see churches established.

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Clinton Kroeker

I was brought to e3 Canada by God's gracious lead, along with a conviction about the centrality of disciples who make disciples. I pastor part-time at our local church and serve as Chaplain for our e3 team across Canada, teach the Bible in prison, and reach out regularly to those on the streets of Winnipeg. 

I've been married to my beautiful wife for fifteen years, and together we have four rambunctious kiddos!

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Tess Mechler

I am married to a wonderful man, Marty and we have two kitties, Barney and Gizmo. After going through quite an ordeal with both loosing our jobs, surgery and recovery, I was called to join e3 Ministry as an administrator, helping and serving any way I can. Marty and I both knew that God was calling us to join HIS team and make a direct difference in HIS kingdom, even if we went in fearfully and praying that my role will be a blessing for the ministry.  Since then, our staff have doubled and therefore, our direct influence on discipleship and spreading the gospel all over the world has exponentially increased, including reaching the region that we reside in, Kitchener-Waterloo. We have learned to let go and allow God to take full control of our lives and truly surrender all we have to Him!

I would be so grateful for your prayers and to prayerfully and joyfully consider partnering with me to help advance God's Kingdom here on earth! 

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Jean-François Moquin

I am currently the Director with "Je Suis Deuxieme". In 2014, we established a partnership with "I Am Second" to create an outreach strategy to reach French Canadians with this ministry. 

I've been married to my wife, Anick Biron, for 25 years and have 2 grown children (Myrka and Jean-Bastien) and 2 grandchildren (Eli and Eden).

I'm grateful for the opportunity to reach French Canadians with the Good News of Jesus!

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James Park

James Park lives in Waterloo, Ontario with his wife Allie and their four children, Eden, Lydia, Ezra, and Junia. James is constantly pursuing revival and he is dedicated to seeing an entire generation transformed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. After serving in pastoral ministry for over 10 years, James is now committed to spiritual awakening in the Body of Christ and the equipping of every believer to be sent on mission to every sphere of society. 

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Tanya Seiling

God brought me out of a dark and lonely place into the light and filled me with His love in the midst of my brokenness.  After coming to faith 27 years ago, God has used my story to help reach the lost and hurting in different ways.

It is my heart's desire to walk alongside, inspire, train and empower students, leaders, churches, and other people to reach youth, young adults and others in their communities with the life changing message of Jesus Christ.  I have been married for 25 years and we have two grown children and one grandbaby. We have a few additional children God has brought into our lives over the years.

Would you join me in sharing the love of Jesus and support the great commission?

If you would like me to come and train, teach or pray for you or your group or go out for coffee, please message me at

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Paul and Angie Wagler

We are delighted to be bringing both ourselves and Arise Now into the e3 family. Joining this remarkable team is a pivotal moment for us, and we eagerly anticipate utilizing the e3 tools to amplify our impact. 

We have been active in ministry for over 30 years in roles such as pastors, church planters, itinerant ministers, authors and media influencers on both radio and social platforms. 

Our desire is to see Jesus made known and lives transformed. We love to help others be filled with passion to live out the purpose God has for them. Through Arise Now, we have been building an online community with our “Two Minute Wake Up Calls,” daily videos, “A Verse and a Prayer,” and weekly show “Sunday Morning with Paul and Angie.” For more details, visit our website at

Your financial and prayer support are invaluable in advancing God’s kingdom, and we sincerely thank you for considering partnering with us.

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Greg Whitfield

I have been with the e3 team for just a short time. The hand of God & the affinity with my personal calling/vision and the vision of the organization is what drew me to this ministry. I couldn't believe that there is an organization that is movement oriented, multiplying disciples focused and has street outreach as part of its methodology.

I am a Domestic Coach in Cambridge and Kitchener-Waterloo. I have been married to my wife, Heather, for 12 years. We have 3 children: Eden (7), Scarlett (5) and Adeline (1).

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Guy McGuffin
My name is Guy McGuffin. I am happily married to my wife Lynda. We have 3 children Leslie, Blair and Brandon. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. He is my Savior, Lord and King. I love sharing the gospel as well, as training and equipping believers and churches to activate them in evangelism and making disciples! Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.
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Jeremy Switzer
In 2016, God called my wife, 3 kids and I to Vancouver Island, Nanaimo, to plant a church.  We had no idea what we were doing, or what we were in for, but we wanted to follow Him.  He is faithful in every way and by His grace a wonderful community formed.  But something was missing, and we battled with "what" is a church supposed to look like versus what does the church look like, and what is God's design for this work here? 
Then a couple years ago the Lord spoke to me in prayer and asked me "are you a disciple of the church or a disciple of Jesus(me)?" This question rocked us, and the answer honestly wasn't the good one.  He then said, "a disciple of the church produces religion, and a disciple of Jesus produces THE CHURCH!!"   So here we are, through a series of amazing connections and key relationships, being Spirit led, we are building communities of disciples and living on mission.  
e3 Canada has provided not only an amazing team of like-minded, Jesus chasing and kingdom builders, but also the tools, the support and the vehicle to, together with our partners, fulfill the great commission. In the Lord's prayer, Jesus taught us "thy kingdom come on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN."  We don't have to wait, His kingdom, and the king, Jesus, wants to invade earth!
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Daniel & Katie Ziedins
Katie and I have been doing ministry together for close to 9 years now on the streets of Hamilton through a group we started called: ‘Love on Hamilton’. Our focus is to bring the life changing gospel of Jesus to everyone we come across and to help the homeless community by handing out many donations each week.

Since then, we’ve seen God do so many incredible things on the streets! Many lives changed, healings, deliverance, freedom from addiction, baptisms, and many receiving salvation! (Glory to God!) 

Our group expanded to an average of 30 people every week who evangelize the streets, and has now even expanded in a few other cities through ‘Love on The World’.

Our passion and calling is to equip and disciple other believers to go and share the gospel. The Lord led us to start a Sunday evening service called “Overflow” in 2022 and has seen INCREDIBLE fruit by allowing the Holy Spirit to completely lead each night. We have been very involved in directly discipling many new believers and continuing to evangelize on the streets, in malls and everywhere we go! Sharing Jesus is a lifestyle and we want to see AS MANY people come to our Lord Jesus Christ as possible with the time we have here on this earth. To Plunder Hell and Populate Heaven in Jesus Name!

We would love and be so grateful for your prayers and to prayerfully and joyfully consider partnering with us to help advance God's Kingdom here on earth! We believe Canada will see the greatest revival of hearts that has ever happened yet and we all play a part in it, so we thank you in advance for your support & partnership! 
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